September 23, 15
Own Sound – Ontario Galactic Photography
This summer night was gorgeous! The milky way was visible to the naked eye and the stars were majestically numerous. It was a lot of fun to capture through the lens. I took these with my wide angle lens at f/4 and a 30 shutter. The ISO was at 2800. These images were taken in northern Ontario far from big city lights which really helped pick out the many stars. Canada is a gorgeous country that I am blest to live in!

I edited these by really warming up the white balance. They came out of the camera with a yellow and green tint. I added a lot of blue and magenta which is much closer to what it looked like to me! Astrophotography is so much fun to capture and I wish I had more opportunities to do it! Next I would like to try star trails. Have any of you ever done any astro photography?