April 14, 16

Five Tips For Event Photography

Event Photography can be intimidating. Often it’s a long day full of shooting and you aren’t able to do too much preparation beforehand. Here are a few tips to make your day go smoothly!

April 4, 16

How to shoot the moon

Learning to shoot the moon is relatively easy once you know how! You will need a DSLR camera, a telephoto lens and a tripod isn’t a bad idea! So the equipment is pretty basic! I didn’t even follow my own advice and use a tripod! You might think you need a telephoto lens of at least 500mm, and while that may make things easier I shot this with my Canon 70-200mm IS II.

March 31, 16

The secrets to a realistic HDR photo

Over the years HDR has gotten a bad rap. As soon as people see a photo veering into crazy town they state “Ew, I hate HDR’. But the majority of quality images you see, from landscape, to interiors, to architecture are likely the product of an HDR image. They are just a more subtle and true image.